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A small business or nonprofit organization (business) is required to satisfy all of the following criteria to be eligible to receive a grant:

  • Operates from a commercial location within the unincorporated Sacramento County. Unincorporated areas are located outside of the cities limits. Check your address.
  • In operation as of March 1, 2020, is open at the date of grant application submission, and intends to remain open.
  • Active Sacramento County business license.
  • Independently owned and operated.
  • Employed between 1 and 25 full-time equivalent employees as of March 1, 2020.
  • Earned between $1,000 and $2.5 million in annual gross revenue on 2020 tax return.
  • Experienced financial impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the related health and safety restrictions.
  • For Nonprofits Only: Must have a tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code and be in a valid secretary of state status and provide the majority of their services to Sacramento County residents.
  • For Small Businesses Only: Small Business means; sole proprietors, independent contractors, 1099 workers, and/or a registered “for-profit” business entity (e.g., C-corporations, S-corporations, limited liability company, partnership).

small business owner


The following businesses are not eligible to apply for the Program:

  • Home-based businesses (except those open to the public for normal business operations. IE: licensed child care centers).
  • Non-profit organizations not registered as either a 501(c)(3).
  • Government entities or elected official offices.
  • Businesses primarily engaged in political or lobbying activities (regardless of whether such entities qualify as a 501(c)(3)).
  • Churches and other religious institutions (regardless of whether such entities qualify as a 501(c)(3)).
  • Passive businesses, investment companies, and investors who file a Schedule E on their personal tax returns. These include rental properties or any business in which the owner does not actively participate.
  • Real estate agents and independent brokers.
  • Financial businesses primarily engaged in lending, such as banks, finance companies, and factoring companies.
  • Pyramid sale distribution plans and multi-level marketing businesses.
  • Businesses deriving more than one-third of gross annual revenue from legal gambling activities.
  • Speculative businesses.
  • Liquor stores, smoke shops, massage parlors, check cashing.
  • Businesses that restrict patronage for any reason other than capacity.
  • Businesses engaged in any illegal activity under California and/or federal law.
  • Businesses of a prurient sexual nature, including businesses which present live performances of a prurient sexual nature and businesses which derive directly or indirectly more than de minimis gross revenue through the sale of products or services, or the presentation of any depictions or displays, of a prurient sexual nature.
  • Businesses with an owner who is incarcerated, on probation, on parole, or has been indicted for a felony or a crime of moral turpitude.
  • Businesses with a 20% or greater ownership interest with: tax liens without a repayment plan in place; planning to file for bankruptcy or currently involved in bankruptcy proceedings; or current or pending legal claims or lawsuits.
  • Multiple business entities, locations, etc. are not eligible for multiple grants and are only allowed to apply once.
  • Businesses and 501(c)(3) charitable arms of a business that have already received an ARPA grant from the County.

Sacramento County’s small businesses and nonprofits are a critical part of this community. We invite you to access grant funding to support in the recovery of your valued organization’s operations.

©2025 Sac4SmallBiz